Hi there and thank you so very much for stopping by!

My name is Pete and I am a photographer based in Liverpool in the North West of the UK. I have been interested in photography for some 30 years, first dabbling with a little bit of processing old 35mm black and white film in a darkroom set up in my first house.

Re kindling my love of cameras with the dawn of the digital age, I became more serious with my hobby back in 2008, realising my dream of becoming an accredited motorsport photographer a few years later.

Over the past years, I have shot various styles , from studio portraiture and weddings through to tradition landscape and more recently, candid style “street” photography.

If you would like to contact me about any projects / events that you would like me to cover, please feel free to drop me an email.

I have an online shop hosted at Photo4Me. If you click on the Shop link in my header, you will be directed there where you can purchase a selection of my work in various formats, from simple A4 prints up to large format canvas and wall art. If you have a particular request for something not listed, please message me directly.

Please feel free to subscribe to my social media pages to follow me on my photographic journey.

Have an awesome day….
